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“Like” the LeDroit Park Civic Association on Facebook.

Follow LeDroitParkDC on Twitter.

Follow DC Government on Twitter.

LeDroit Park listservs

The Civic Association hosts an unmoderated online list-servs (using Yahoo Groups) where residents and other interested parties can post messages, announcements and alerts.  (You must be signed up for the list-serv in order to post messages.)  You can choose one of the following ways to read posts:

  • Visit the website and read the posts online;
  • Get an email every time someone adds a new post;
  • Or, receive a daily digest of all posts from that day.

Community List-serv:  The email lists facilitate information sharing about the Civic Association and other activities.

Subscribe to the Community listserv -If you’d like to join the LeDroit Park Listserv, simply shoot a blank email to After you send that blank email, you’ll be asked to confirm. Then, you’ll be all set! That’s it!

 LeDroit Park Community List Rules – For your review

Subscribe to the official Metropolitan 3rd District Police Listserv – If you’d like to join the LeDroit Park Listserv, simply shoot a blank email to After you send that blank email, you’ll be asked to confirm. Then, you’ll be all set! That’s it!

If you post a video to You Tube, be sure to tag it with “ledroitparkdc” and “ledroit park”.  That way, community members will easily find all of your postings.

The Civic Association hosts a Flickr photo pool. It is focused on sharing the architectural beauty and community spirit of our historic neighborhood in Washington, DC through pictures.

To ensure that all community members receive information, Civic Association announcements and event flyers are posted throughout the neighborhood.