What does a block captain do?

Block captains help promote community activities, communicate regularly with their neighbors, and share information and concerns with the civic association. Block captains are members of the Civic Association WhatsApp text list where we post public safety updates and announce meetings that you can share with your neighbor text group.


Volunteer block captains:

·        Reach out to neighbors to ask them to participate in scheduled neighborhood or ad hoc block cleanups and get togethers

·        Ask for cell numbers to create a contact list of your neighbors and create a WhatsApp or SMS text list group for your block

·        Monitor your list group to raise any safety or community concerns to the Civic Association

·        Post a reminder about monthly (January-June and September-November) Civic Association meetings

·        Encourage current and new neighbors to join the listserv and the Civic Association

Volunteer to be a block captain or participate in other public safety and community activities.