Mark Morgan brought us to order for our monthly LeDroit Park Civic Association (LPCA) meeting.
Jana Balwin gave the safety update. She encouraged everyone to join our LeDroit Park LisServ where she has compiled a list of criminal a activity in the neighborhood. She introduced Officer Morgan and they both encouraged us to report crime as we see it. Janna encourage everyone to get a “Dusk to Dawn” light for their front porch.
One of the neighbors shared that she has made several complaints about the house at 600 U Street. She has contacted the Church, who owns 601 several times but they have unresponsive in addressing her concerns. Mark Morgan will draft a letter to send to the church on behalf of several people who have complained to him about 600 U Street becoming a “nuisance house.”
Danielle Ricks gave the communications update. She shared that she has gotten three requests for individuals interested in blogging for the LeDroit Park blog. She is currently working on the Terms and Conditions of Use Policy for our bloggers. Please contact Danielle if you are interested in blogging for our LeDroit Park blog. (UPDATE: The Terms and Conditions of Use Policy for our bloggers are now before the LPCA Executive Committee for review)
Donna Morris shared our financial update. She encouraged everyone to get their membership dues in. Please see Become a Member on our website for pricing structure and contact Donna directly if you have any questions or concerns.
ANC Update – Mark Morgan shared that the last meeting was Feb 2. The ANC approved of a HU parking variance. The ANC will be scheduling more meetings on the moratorium on the liquor license. Mark did a survey monkey to get resident input.
Arcadia Mobile Market was approved to extend their license to continue to sell Organic Produce in the evenings at the Park at LeDroit. They may start as early as April this year and may go as long as October.
A motion was put forth to name a portion of U Street as Lawrence Guyot Way. This is being considered to honor of the long time neighbor of LeDroit Park and the former ANC where he once lived. We voted to have the 500 U Street named Lawrence Guyot Way but we did have a quorum and will table the vote until next meeting. (UPDATE: At the 3/7/13 ANC 1B meeting, the commission approved a recommendation to designate the 500 Block of U ST NW as “Lawrence Guyot Way”. It received overwhelming support from the Commissioners and audience. In addition to the recommendation, there was a proposed amendment to consider re-naming the Park at LeDroit to “Lawrence Guyot Park.” This will be an item of discussion at the next LeDroit Park Civic Association meeting.)
Joyce Tspas and Debbie Crain shared the Mid City East Plan: For the neighborhoods of North Capitol, Florida Ave & Rhode Island Ave. Debbie encouraged residents of LeDroit Park, Bloomingdale, Eckington, Tructon Circle, Bates-Hanover and Sursum Corda to participate in this process. They hope to begin the process in April and it should last about 12 months. They have an advisory committee and there will be several meetings, Meetups, and a very strong online presence where they can hear from the residents.
Joyce shared she is working with OP’s and DDOT on the Mid City East Plan with the goal of providing public and private stakeholders a revitalization and neighborhood conservation plan. They will be doing a lot of outreach both online and for those who don’t have Internet, they will be informed via fliers and posters.
Smart911 did a presentation by. They shared that you can down create a free Safety Profile for your household. This is a service that is attached to you land line and your cell number. You can attach your safety info to both phones. They also shared the DC311 App that you can download to your Smartphone.
Brailsford & Dunlavey presented more designs and the advice from Office and Planning for the Howard University Interdisciplinary Research Building.
Juan Camilo Barragán told us to watch out for next town meeting and encouraged everyone to attend.